Client Satisfaction Levels

Client satisfaction is separate from the deliverables they purchase from you. It’s much, much more. It needs connection, empathy and trust. Delight demands even more than that.

Levels of client satisfaction:

  1. Angry
  2. Disappointed
  3. Satisfied
  4. Happy
  5. Delighted

1 is screwing with customers. It’s what monopolies do: telecoms, ISPs, etc. The customers cannot walk away so why bother.

2 is under-delivering. Missing expectations. Delivering poor (or inappropriate) quality.

3 is delivering on spec. According to expectations. Being able to adapt to the customer so they get what they want. Delivery according to their view of the world.

4 is doing more then there was in spec. Exceeding expectations. It’s being proactive. Receptive and listening. Being action and result-oriented.

5 is what builds legendary brands. Those are experiences rather than products or services. Customer delight requires delivering on deep empathy. Not only delivering in excess of expectations. The client needs to feel like the company reads in their mind. Like they have a friend that takes care of them. It means predicting their needs and embedding them in your product or service. It’s knowing them better than they know themselves.

What’s interesting is that few companies even achieve the 3rd level. Probably that’s why 80% of companies fail within the first few years.