I have arrived

I have arrived. Many times. And I didn't even notice. Arrived where? Achieved the goals set many years ago. Do I feel accomplished? Not the slightest...
We're all on a journey towards our dreams. We set goals either professionally or amateurishly, by assuming them. And then we work to achieve them. The journey never takes a form of a straight line and it takes such a long time that we fail to notice that we have arrived at our destination!
When it happens we already have new goals and desires. We want stuff and experiences we cannot have right now and we crave the ones at the next peak.
I talked with my friend yesterday for first time in 1,5 years. When exchanging updates of what happened ever this period of our lives I realised I achieved plenty of things I wanted. And of course failed to recognise it, failed to appreciate or celebrate them.
My business grows and it's now moved into its first real and cool office. I'm writing regularly, which I wanted to do and find very gratifying. I've worked out my approach to taking photos and I do take them, which again is one of the most gratifying things I do. I travel, I learn, I'm close with my family and friends.
It had to take a deeper conversation with my friend for me to feel the value and amount of the good things happening in my life. On a regular day life it feels more like constant rush, overwork and overwhelm. I try to appreciate all this but rarely actually do. I need to figure out a way to appreciate all this. To feel that I have indeed arrived. At least some times.
I have a few ideas how to do it. Explicit goal setting and putting them into the calendar. This way I'll know when I have arrived and also what I was aiming at as our goals tend to shift and grow with us). Making time for celebration and appreciation both alone and with others. Developing further my mindfulness practices.
Do you know of any other ways of feeling the appreciation?