Meeting With Myself To Set Priorities Straight

Sometimes when I have too many things pulling me into different directions I loose sight of what’s important. I guess this is the case for most of us!? I have a simple way to get myself back on track. I’ll set aside a few minutes in the morning to have a meeting with myself.

What do I cover in the meeting?

I go back to the goals I’ve set. I look at them to see if they’re still my current goals or perhaps they have been achieved or became irrelevant. If they hold I’ll derive a list of priorities from it. The list is always in order - from the most important to the least. Then I’ll rule out everything after priority number 3. I can’t have more of them at any given time. Sometimes I’ll stick the top 3 priorities on the wall next to my desk.

What’s next?

Nest, I look at my calendar, which of course is my time and energy budget. I’ll see if the work that I have planned is fulfilling those priorities. If not I’ll make changes. Then the only thing left is to stick to the calendar. Until the whole thing falls apart again in some time and I need to reorient once again. Simple, isn’t it?

Photo by frank mckenna.